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Messages - Mginn2950

Pages: [1]
Questions and Opinions / Need help choosing a thong
« on: August 29, 2023, 03:26:05 PM »
I don't exclusively wear thongs but I've been wearing them for maybe the past 10 years. I guess I got lucky because the second ones tried I fell in love with. However, they discontinued them. I've been trying to find something to replace them with but everything I've tried so far is uncomfortable pinches or digs in. For me wearing thongs is about the way they feel so I'm not going to wear something that's uncomfortable or causes me pain. I can't go put and buy all sorts of different ones cause that would cost a fortune. I need help to find something that works and is comfortable.

I've been wearing the same style/brand for 3-4 years now. The prospect of searching for something else that fits right seems daunting. What's one to do?

I have quite a bit but not recently. I always wear an undershirt when carrying wether I'm wearing a thong or not, for the reason that I use an inside the waistband holster and I don't like the holster in contact with my skin.

Questions and Opinions / Re: Does anyone here wax?
« on: May 23, 2019, 02:20:16 PM »
Where would I got to to have that done and what do I ask for? I'm pretty sure most waxing places around here are just for women.

Questions and Opinions / Re: Does anyone here wax?
« on: May 21, 2019, 04:18:35 AM »
Where is the other post at?

Questions and Opinions / Does anyone here wax?
« on: May 20, 2019, 05:08:37 PM »
So I have noticed that wearing a thong more comfortable when I have no hair in the area that it sits. My problem is the only way I know to get rid of hair is creams. The issue with that is it only last a few days at the most before hair starts to grow back and then I'll break out in a rash. Can anyone tell me where to go, what to do, what do I ask for if I do go somewhere?

Questions and Opinions / Re: What kind of thong should I buy?
« on: May 17, 2019, 09:13:27 AM »
I don't understand what that means.

Questions and Opinions / What kind of thong should I buy?
« on: May 16, 2019, 04:29:13 PM »
I've been wearing thongs off and on for 8-9 years. In that time I have not found one that I can comfortably wear for extended periods of time. I have tried Joe boxer brand but they don't have enough material in the front to cover everything like I and I hate the seem that's right in the middle of the strap. I have tried merona brand but the stitching is really rough and the strap digs into me. I have also tried brave person brand but their sized really small they cut into me and leave me raw. I want something that fits snug but doesn't cut in has enough material in the front to cover everything and holds everything securely but doesn't crush.

Please help.

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