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Boxer shorts

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--- Quote from: underlvr on July 15, 2019, 03:14:15 AM ---I used to wear them when i was younger but, man, how bad were they?  I know that i looked good in them but wearing them on a hot day all bunchy....ugh!  As soon as i went to college i switched to briefs then quickly to bikinis then last year of college i tried my first thong :O

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I tried boxers when I was a kid but just couldn’t do it. I started wearing low rise briefs and bikinis in high school, then some thongs very discreetly. In college, I always wore a thong or bikini but would wear boxers over them when my roommate was around. He was a pretty straight fraternity dude. Nice but very very masculine. After a few months, he basically moved into the frat house so I had the room to myself! Talk about freedom!

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I do wear boxer briefs once in a blue moon. And mainly in the winter.  These are my favourite

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Boxer briefs are tolerable but boxers, no.

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When I was in my teens, I used to wear tight briefs. This I changed to tangas around my twenties. Around my thirties I worn boxer shorts and tangas. Until I discovered the comfortable thongs, which give a great support. Since that moment I wear about 99% of the time thongs, and sometimes tangas.


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