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Messages - billyboyd1201

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Questions and Opinions / Posting Pictures On the Site
« on: February 17, 2019, 10:20:20 PM »
Been awhile since I created a new poll. Just trying to come up with some interesting topics to hopefully keep people engaged in this forum.

What are your thoughts on image sharing? I can see the benefits when it comes to reviewing different brands. I often find that the marketing images may not reflect how thongs will realistically look when purchased. Especially since most of the models are beyond ripped! I have a pretty specific desire on the coverage both front and back, so the more angles I can see the better.

I got them, wearing right now. Pouch is very comfortable, the fabric is soft. I get what you mean in that the cut in the front is a tad pointy, but actually not bad (I’ve seen way worse) Depending on how things are positioned it actually fits very well. Guess you’d have to see it to understand.

The big thing for me right now is price. I’m not sure I’m ready to plunk down $10 for a thong. Outside of the Asian brands that seems the going rate. Maybe in the future as I start replacing the ones I have. I’m guessing they’ll wear out quickly.

Reviews / Re: Bruno Banani
« on: February 13, 2019, 10:09:56 PM »
I checked out their website, I must say very cool. Very much in the styles I like.

Just ordered some ikingsky camouflage thongs from amazon. Should be in by Wednesday. I have some other ikingsky, of a similar style that I find perfect. Hopefully these will be just as good. Upping my collection beyond 3 will be helpful. No more laundry delays!,0,138,180_QL70

I’ll let you know what I think/how they look when they arrive!

Very nice...great look and nice prints.  Those are a bit full cut for me, so i just bought some of these:

Let’s see what they actually look like

I do tend to prefer the fuller cuts. Not sure why, just don't like going too skimpy. Looking at MuscleMates, these look ideal to me, if it wasn't for the stupid logo!

Anyway, the iKingsky's I ordered came in and look great. I like the patterns, not too busy. Tried on a pair, checked myself out in the mirror and must say... lookin' good! Well, feelin' good at least.

Man Thong Pictures / Re: Thonging in Chicago
« on: February 13, 2019, 08:23:02 AM »
I thought I smelled cheese!

It’s really nice. I think my wife is coming around from indifferent to actually looking forward to my taste in underwear. Certainly nice for me, and lucky I’ve found someone who accepts me as I am. I wish everyone could find that. (End sappy music here)

Man Thong Pictures / Re: Thonging in Chicago
« on: February 11, 2019, 01:12:07 PM »
Wow. I’m pretty surprised that there is such a Chicago contingent on this forum. Go Bears. Wonder how many of you I’ve come across. ;-)

Though this is the thong picture message... not sure I’m willing to share any pictures.

Just ordered some ikingsky camouflage thongs from amazon. Should be in by Wednesday. I have some other ikingsky, of a similar style that I find perfect. Hopefully these will be just as good. Upping my collection beyond 3 will be helpful. No more laundry delays!,0,138,180_QL70

I’ll let you know what I think/how they look when they arrive!

General Discussion / Re: Coming Out as a Thinger
« on: February 04, 2019, 03:00:53 PM »
A guy i dated last year actually bought me about 10 thongs and got me to throw out all of my other underwear (except a few bikinis) there you issues with him.  After that most guys actually like that i wear a thong

I do have something to add to what i wrote - wearing thongs is perhaps even more personal than any other underwear style.  It’s non-traditional, and i think worn for a more specific and deliberate purpose....hence this site/message room and all you thong enthusiasts.  For that reason, i am more careful letting people into my little world of underwear.  Like other people in life, you never know what uw they have i just follow that guideline.  If they want to know, i’m Not shy/ashamed, happy to talk thongs with anyone who wants to...within reason of course!

Well said. I think you summed it up perfectly.

General Discussion / Re: Coming Out as a Thonger
« on: February 02, 2019, 07:08:39 PM »
I can assure you there are many of us not in an open environment. Only my wife knows my preferences. I wouldn’t mind being comfortable changing in front of others in my community, but wouldn’t for fear of others finding out. I can be okay not caring what others think, but I wouldn’t want others in my family to have to deal with any potential stigma.

Personally I find the stigma around men in thongs to be part of the fun. I like having a fun little secret throughout the day.

Sorry FLthong, I didn’t think of that.  I’ve added the option.

Curious what the your significant others think of your thongs. If you don't have a current significant other think of your most recent, what did they think.

I figured I'd break it out between male and female partners since it seems like there may be a difference of opinion.

Bought my first thong and jock when I was 18 from a C&A store. The thong was for men and a t-back tanga design. The two panels down the front were black and grey. I quickly followed that with a Calvin Klein CoolMesh thong in white with a wide blue elastic waistband. There was definitely a slightly nervous thrill of taking those to the cash desk to pay. As I young guy I was excited to see them on when I was at home alone. It was a while until I moved out from my parents and wore one of those thongs for the full day. I recall that being an exciting experience secretly knowing that my underwear choice was definitely felt sexier than boxer briefs.

At that point I was just experimenting with different underwear styles but loved them all. I then went really conventional with boxer briefs until I met my wife who hates boxer briefs. She got be back into thongs as my regular underwear (but that is a different story)

Casper, I’m curious to hear that story. Sounds interesting.

Questions and Opinions / Re: Who knows your habits?
« on: January 29, 2019, 07:49:11 AM »
Amusing story. Of course I don’t blame anyone for assuming thongs were for the lady of the house. Though at this point I would hope my wife wouldn’t call me out like that. I’m pretty sure she wouldn’t. She knows I’d much prefer to keep my thongs wearing  between her and me!

Questions and Opinions / Re: Thongs vs. Jocks
« on: January 29, 2019, 07:45:22 AM »
This is why I’m often surprised when people mention that thongs are so comfortable because you feel like you’re wearing nothing at all. I’ve seen them described that way in reviews and probably on this board in spots. In reality I never feel like I have nothing on at all, and that’s ok.

I  just assume I haven’t found any of those mystical super thongs..Though  I don’t really have much variety (yet) and I’m unwilling to pay much more than $10 per pair (and that’s even a bit high). Maybe someday I’ll find the kind that you don’t feel, not sure I want them.

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