Author Topic: My thong story  (Read 6482 times)


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My thong story
« on: August 13, 2022, 08:09:34 PM »
Hi everyone! I'm new here, and very pleased to be a part of this! For the past year, I've finally made the switch to thongs exclusively, and as a celebration, I thought I'd share my story of how I got into thongs. I hope you share my excitement.

For background, I'm a straight male and grew up in a relatively conservative country, not that it matters.

Early Years
I've been fascinated by thongs since a relatively young age. It started when I first saw those novelty men's thongs at an Asian night market when I travelled with my family on vacation; despite the novelty, they piqued my interest but not to an extent that I would try to purchase them.

My curiosity finally peaked a couple years later, when I was 13 and saw that my local department store carries men's thongs and g-strings. Back then, I mostly wore run-of-the-mill briefs and occasionally, boxers; I didn't like wearing them, and especially not the latter, since I felt that both really chafed and were particularly uncomfortable in the summer heat. It didn't help that I sweat a lot due to my metabolism, causing my behind to itch a lot, especially after sports. Afterwards, I started experimenting with briefs of different materials but saw that they didn't so much reduce the discomfort. I thought about trying the thongs they had, but shut down the idea given that naturally at that age, I had to ask my mum for money (and consequently needed her permission).

One day, I finally worked up the courage beg my mum to allow me to try thongs, figuring it might be the answer. She at first looked at me weird and laughed at the idea, before shooting down the idea when I reiterated my seriousness. Yet, as I persisted, I was finally permitted to purchase my first pair—a light blue pouched thong. Buying it inherently felt embarrassing, as with most of my underwear purchases at that age, but I was overjoyed when I finally got to try them on. At first it did feel weird having the fabric ride up my butt cheeks, but as I got used to it, it felt wonderful; it was like not wearing underwear.

Afterwards, I began to amass a small collection, enough for a week's wear. At first I would only wear them under my pyjamas, before slowly starting to use them irregularly as an every day underwear. Still, I didn't have the courage to wear them to school most of the time concerned about what my classmates would think. Eventually though, I did wear them a few times under my uniform, although the urge to hide them proved too much for me to actually wear them regularly.

Troubled Times
When I got to uni overseas, I took my collection with me. At this point, I had a small collection of thongs—a few regular thongs, a Y-back thong, and a treasured Armani one. For the most part, I loved wearing them but still had a great deal of embarrassment, especially with dating, one-night stands and whatnot. I also was part of a sports team, so I mostly wore boxer briefs back then to avoid any embarrassment. I kept my thongs but mostly wore them when I am by myself. One day, when my then-gf started to come live with me in my dorm, my self-conscious self made the decision to get rid of all of them so prevent her from discovering them (a decision that I very much regret). When we broke up, I started getting thongs again although it wasn't free of doubt.

Becoming Bolder
A few months later, I started dating another girl and contemplated getting rid of my small collection again (I know, I know), although at this point, I wasn't a regular thong wearer to begin with. Ultimately, despite her innocent-seeming facade, I discovered that she was secretly rather kinky and turned out to be relatively adventurous sexually. One day, we went downtown together and passed by a lingerie store; we went in as she was thinking of buying some underwear, and tried on some thongs—and that's how the thong conversation started. I joked about getting a thong myself to which she playfully replied sure after a laugh. A few days later, she made plans to visit my studio and I worked up the courage to wear a white HOM thong I got online a few weeks prior. When things got flirty after dinner, I tried to playfully bring up thongs again, and despite my fear decided to drop my trousers to show that I was wearing a thong. Still fresh in my memory, it was met with a quiet gasp, a pause, and then a long laugh, after which she acknowledged that it looked pretty good. Afterwards, we both made a habit of wearing just at home and in bed as we experimented with ourselves. The relationship lasted for several good months, but we broke off when she decided to return to her country.

Whilst it didn't last as I had hoped it would, it was certainly nice to be reminded by it every now and then. That definitely gave a bit of a confidence boost to start wearing thongs more regularly and even when I went to the gym. At first, I'd make sure my back was facing the wall when I changed in the gym, but I got desensitised after a while, especially having seen a few others wearing jockstraps. During a beach vacation later on, I finally decided to go to the beach with a Kiniki Swim Thong I bought earlier on a sale. Whilst I felt rather self-conscious to show my thong in public, it felt very liberating... although it helped that the beach was littered with girls wearing thong and g-string bikinis, a couple of whom even playfully complimented my behind as walked the beach. After that first episode, I also swam at the hotel pool with that swim thongs in place of my regular red Speedos.

Renewed Commitment
My love for thongs have been strong since... During the pandemic and lockdowns, I transitioned thongs into my regular underwear choice since I had much time to myself at home. Last year, I finally decided to abandon my boxer briefs in favour of exclusively wearing thongs. One year later, I've worn thongs 24/7 and never looked back, and now I only wear thongs! As I become more confident about myself, I learned not to care about wearing a thong and treated it as just normal underwear. I wear them out, to the gym, on runs, as sleepwear, and so on. I would never intentionally display my thong in public (unless if I wore it as swimwear, as I do irregularly in certain places), but I wouldn't care if if a whaletail sticked up my trousers. And as male fashion continue to become progressive, so has my courage when I buy them in store. I no longer shy away from replying when sales assistants ask what kind of underwear I'm after. "Thongs", I'll answer.

Here's to a long love-affair with thongs. Thanks for reading!


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Re: My thong story
« Reply #1 on: September 01, 2022, 03:56:14 AM »
Love your story and I can relate. I am also from a conservative country, and I had to hide my thongs when I was young. Now, I don't hide the fact that I wear thongs, and I wear them almost everywhere.

May I ask where you're originally from?


  • Full Thonger
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Re: My thong story
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2022, 11:36:49 PM »
Great story. Luckily, I've never had a problem wearing thongs while having a gf. Some were not a fan but didn't care much and others were totally into it.


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Re: My thong story
« Reply #3 on: September 08, 2022, 02:02:01 AM »
Thanks for reading.

I grew up in Singapore but my parents are from Japan.


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Re: My thong story
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2022, 04:51:29 AM »
Nice, what's the thong scene like in Singapore? Do you wear a thong to the beach in Singapore?


  • Full Thonger
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Re: My thong story
« Reply #5 on: September 13, 2022, 05:07:16 PM »
I haven't lived in Singapore in years, but came back a few times on holiday. Many department stores carry men's thong underwear still as far as I'm aware, with a loyal stream of buyers. I haven't really seen anyone else buy them though apart from one time a few years ago.

I also don't really go to the beaches here.


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Re: My thong story
« Reply #6 on: January 01, 2023, 09:08:38 PM »
glad to hear that you wear them all the time now. That is a pretty cool story. What brands do you like now? Also, how has the dating been going.


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Re: My thong story
« Reply #7 on: May 03, 2023, 10:03:50 AM »
Wow, what a story, I'm glad you're able to wear thongs 24/7 I haven't been able to make the plunge!

Japan used to have a lot of HOM thongs for sale but in recent years they've been unavailable due to the importer no longer selling them in the country. There's a new importer but it's not the same anymore.