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Going for a run


Has anyone ever worn thongs as underwear for a long  distance run. I wear them with short shorts or compression shorts for underwear. After a while you really don't notice them. Also I get the ones made from polyester or a stretchy sports type material. It help keep things more dry from sweat. Also the thong back strap doesn't irritate as much as you would think while on a run. Also I run anywhere from 4 to 13 miles depending on how I feel.

Several years ago, I wore a thong during training for a marathon.  And wore a thong for the actual marathon.

I’ve gone running in only a thong 2 or 3 times. The very kind of thong, but thong nonetheless

I wear thong underwear on every single run, no matter the distance. I’ve raced 3 marathons in a thong (underneath compression shorts). I like the extra support that a thong provides for my “package”. Plus it helps smooth things out in front when wearing compression shorts.

I run 4x/week and wear thongs every time - under little running shorts in the summer and usual compression pants in the winter/colder months Love how they feel under my gear...both sexy and functional at the same time!


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