When and Where > In the Bedroom

Thongs to Sleep in...

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Hey guys - curious to know who wears thongs to bed...not for sex, to sleep in.  So maybe a yes/no at first and then do you just sleep in a thong/nothing else or do you wear it under your PJs?

I for one wear wear thongs to bed around 1/2 the time - usually a JS bulge and if i do wear a thong its with nothing else.  I live alone so nobody would know!

I only wear thongs.. even if for some reason ill end up wearing boxers I would always change them for thong to bed. Just got used to it.

I’d say I wear a thong to sleep in with nothing else around 1/3 the time, thong and t-shirt another 1/3 (when its cold) or gym shorts/nothing else the rest of the time. 

Always sleep in a thong. I have a selection of about 12 thongs which I find the comfiest to sleep in, so i'll normally change into one of them at some point in the evening. When boxers were my regular underwear I would wear just them to bed so now that thongs are my normal underwear I wear just a thong. Unless its especially cold, then I will wear a t shirt too.

In the summers, I always sleep in a thong. It's gets so hot in Vegas, but I don't care to sleep naked. I don't have a preference of what thong I wear. In the colder months, I usually wear a thong under my shorts.


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