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Topics - Thonga

Pages: [1]
Man Thong Pictures / Leotard Thong
« on: December 30, 2020, 12:17:00 PM »
Since the colder weather now upon us, I thought I'd treat myself to a new Leotard Thong. I've got to say this is a lot more comfortable than I originally thought it would be.

Embarassing Moments / Thong Slip
« on: November 30, 2020, 10:02:49 PM »
My one and the only embarrassing moment happened to me at a previous job. One day we had to do a course, This day wasn't planned and I didn't think much of it to be fair, It felt as if I had the day off!

Well, I was completely wrong!

There was 7 of us in total, We all had to watch some presentation and complete a mini test based on Manual Handling, which was easy. Then the trainer started to showcase to us how to properly bend down using our knees to lift an item...Well, you can only imagine what happened when it came to my turn, Oblivious as I am, I stepped forward and bent down as instructed to pick up this box when my colleagues got a full-on view of my thong from the rear, All I heard was laughter, humiliated and embarrassed to the extent that all these people now know my secret.

I was teased for the rest of the day!

From that day forward for around 9 months, I went back to wearing boxer-briefs at work and used that day as an excuse that I exercise in the morning and was running late. Luckily, I found a job closer to home so for the past 5 years it's been great to be back to wearing thongs full time and I'll hopefully avoid any further 'incidents'.

When you wear thongs full time, It's only a matter of time before you have a slip and somebody notices!

Introductions / My Introduction
« on: November 27, 2020, 06:11:19 PM »
About Me

Hello, I've been an avid thong wearer since around the age of 18 after securing my own place to live. Around that age, it was my little secret and something I went out of my way to hide from everyone, But as time went on I started to embrace wearing male thongs by leaving subtle hints to (now previous) partners and then gradually starting to wear them to work on a daily basis to the point of 14 years later at the age of 32, The only type of underwear I own/have in my home now is male thongs from various brands.

I've always had a somewhat fetish/liking for male thongs and found them unbelievably comfortable compared to wearing other types of underwear, and at this point, I can never see myself wearing anything else. My favorite brand at the moment would have to be 'Zonbailon' Thongs, They're incredibly comfy for everyday use and are made using high-quality bamboo fabric! I'll leave a link below if you're interested...

I signed up to this site out of curiosity and to see if other guys out there feel the same way I do about male thongs and why they decided to choose this specific type of underwear compared to others, Hopefully, by looking around I'll get to know more.

Current Brands of Thongs I own

- Zonbailon
- Sesto Senso
- Diesel
- Matt Mons


I'm no athlete as you can see, But that doesn't stop me from enjoying what I want to wear...

That's about it really, Look forward to getting to know you all, If you have any questions feel free to ask.

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