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Messages - Coxsocksman

Pages: [1]
Embarassing Moments / Re: Tales of a new daddy
« on: May 11, 2017, 01:36:53 PM »
No comments about the thongs.  I just pretended as if nothing happened.  Which quite frankly, the way it should be. It's just underwear.  Anyway.

Embarassing Moments / Tales of a new daddy
« on: May 08, 2017, 07:45:53 PM »
So I recently posted about kids and thongs and how to deal with kids finding about me being a thonger.  Well, I posted it because I am a recent new dad.  As a new dad, we are adjusting to all the changes that come with it.  One of which is having a grandma as a baby sister.  We are blessed to have our parents still around to be able to watch the baby and we really appreciate the help.  All we ask is that they watch the baby.  Of course, the put the baby to nap during the day, and grandma starts getting bored.  Usually that means we come home to an especially clean house, or a home cooked meal.  It's the perks of having mom at home.  Today however, mom got really bored.  I guess the usual house chores were done that she felt the need to do me and my husbands dirty laundry.  We normally do laundry about every two weeks.  Well... she found about two weeks worth of thongs all color separated ready for the wash.  😳  Oh well.. if she didn't know, she does now. 

General Discussion / Re: Thongs and kids
« on: April 07, 2017, 08:21:24 PM »
Thanks for those who responded.  I'm a new dad and for a couple days it's felt a little weird to thong.  It was like something changed and I need to wear my granny panties (and by granny panties I mean bikinis, haha) anyway, I normally walk around in a thong while getting dressed or lounging with the husband, but realized that might change as the baby gets older.  A couple of times, i got up in my thong when the baby cried or needed to be fed.  Felt a little weird but was too tired to care, haha.  I suppose I'll figure it out as we we go.

General Discussion / Thongs and kids
« on: April 07, 2017, 09:33:19 AM »
Topic sounds weird, but my question is innocent.  I'm wondering if any thongers have any kids?  If so, did having kids hinder you from wearing thongs for fear of them potentially seeing you, or finding them in the laundry. I'm not suggesting anyone should be flaunting their thong around kids, just curious if having kids changed your thonging habits.  Or, I know some families are naturists/nudists, does this include thonging? Just curious.

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